When I was a child
A young boy growing up in Iowa,
My shadow was my best friend.
Tall, dark and slim, with long legs and long arms,
He was with me everywhere I went.
A patient, loyal, constant companion.
Sometimes he walked ahead, protecting me,
Sometimes he was behind, watching my back,
And sometimes he just walked by my side.
He didn't run away when I was angry or upset,
He just listened and calmed my soul with his strong, quiet presence.
I knew him so well, for he was an extension of myself.

My shadow, my best friend.

Now I am a man
Captain of a starship in the far reaches of space.
My shadow is still my best friend.
He remains tall, dark and slim, with long legs and long arms,
He is with me everywhere I go.
A patient, loyal, constant companion.
Sometimes he walks ahead, protecting me,
Sometimes he is behind, watching my back,
And sometimes he just walks by my side.
He doesn't run away when I am angry or upset,
He just listens and calms my soul with his strong, quiet presence.
I know him so well, for he is an extension of myself.

My shadow, my best friend.

Only, now he has pointed ears.

Disclaimer: The Star Trek characters are owned by Paramount; poem content belongs to Mrs Spock.

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Mrs Spock ©2002-2016